Featured news

Group photograph_EIOS training in Abuja

WHO supports Nigeria to become first African country to adopt new epidemic intelligence tool

A QoC facility QI meeting facilitated by a QI coach at a PHC in the FCT

Healthcare workers in Federal Capital Territory re-commit to improving maternal care

WHO team training community volunteers and health workers on the use of AVADAR in Gurai, South Sudan.

Fighting polio, one SMS at a time!


Government’s attention shifts to Niger Delta creeks- renews efforts to vaccinate every eligible child in Bayelsa 

Nine African countries agree to begin journey towards pooled procurement to increase their access to affordable life-saving vaccines

Nine African countries agree to begin journey towards pooled procurement to increase their access to affordable life-saving vaccines

Esperance Tshiwedi

The day the lab techs helped change the fate of a city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Staff of the WHO Country office in Uganda at Mbale Resort Hotel

WHO Uganda Staff Retreat To Assess Annual Achievements, Plan for the future and build a Cohesive Team