Featured news

Country Representative of WHO, Dr Owen Kaluwa vaccinating a baby

Ghana Health Service and Partners launch polio vaccination campaigns in Ghana

Dr Sally Ann Ohene, Disease Prevention and Control Officer in WCO dosing a child in Ando Nymadou, a community in Chereponi District

Ghana Health Service and Partners conduct First Round Poilo Immunization Campaign in 6 Districts in the Northern and North East Regions of Ghana

NY flower

Ethiopia to celebrate its New Year tomorrow, 12th September

Republic of Korea launches five-country health security initiative in West Africa, in partnership with WHO 

Republic of Korea launches five-country health security initiative in West Africa, in partnership with WHO 

Seniour officials at the official opening of the meeting

Zambia hosts major global conference on water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities

The reality of challenges in malaria elimination

The reality of challenges in malaria elimination