Featured news

Mauritius tackles anti-microbial resistance through formulation of a second Plan of Action

Establishment of the Public Health Emergency Operations Centre in Mauritius Ministry of Health and Wellness – a key milestone for greater health security in Mauritius

Navigating the Waves of Cholera: A Tale of Recovery and Community Resilience

Navigating the Waves of Cholera: A Tale of Recovery and Community Resilience

Mauritius upscales Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response

Mauritius upscales Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response


Enhancing access to and use of Family Planning services and products using Self-care guidelines for Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR)

Supporting flood emergency response in Congo 

Supporting flood emergency response in Congo 

WHO Certifies Cabo Verde as Malaria-Free, Marking a Historic Milestone in the Fight Against Malaria

WHO Certifies Cabo Verde as Malaria-Free, Marking a Historic Milestone in the Fight Against Malaria