Featured news

Experts who participated in the workshop

Zanzibar develops the National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS)

Meeting participants with the Guest of Honor

Tanzania convenes experts to chart a roadmap for Malaria control

Kenya Certified Free of Guinea worm disease

Kenya Certified Free of Guinea worm disease

The WHO Representative, Dr. Nathan Bakyaita  (second from left), accompanied by WHO National Surveillance Officers and the Disease Prevention and Control Officer on a conducted tour of Mantampala Refugee Camp

WHO to roll out integrated disease surveillance training in districts hosting refugees.

WHO supports Nigeria to respond to cholera outbreak (from file)

WHO supports Nigeria to respond to new cholera outbreak in Borno State

JEE Seychelles IHR 2005

Seychelles conducts first ever Joint External Evaluation on implementation of IHR (2005) capacities

Hon James Janka Duku, Minister of Livestock and Fisheries declaring RVF outbreak in Yirol

South Sudan declares Rift Valley fever outbreak in parts of Eastern Lakes State

Former First Lady Madame Pohamba and the Deputy Permanant Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Social Services Mrs Katjivena, with the Honorable Governor of Omahake Region Honorable Uitele

The Opening of  Lady Pohamba Maternity Waiting Home marks the end of the four year EU funded programme on Maternal and Child Health.