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Group photo of participants at the Data quality review workshop. Photo:WHO

The Ministry of Health in partnership with WHO and partners strengthens health information system for effective health service delivery in South Sudan

Partial view of meeting participants

Experts ramp up efforts to leave no one behind

  Launching of the National Action Plan for Prevention and Containment of  AMR by Cabinet Secretary Dr  Cleopa Mailu. Looking on, WR Kenya Dr Rudi Eggers, PS Livestock Dept Dr  Andrew Tuimur and members of the AMR team in Kenya

Call for behaviour change in antibiotic use and prescription

Guidance and Counselling teacher explaining elevatated vegetable garden plots

Visiting Ghana delegation impressed by a Health Promoting School!

Leave no one behind - framework of actions for strengthening health systems for UHC and the SDGs in Africa

Statement on the Second Ministry of Health Directors’ meeting on Taking Forward the Regional Framework for Strengthening Health Systems for UHC and SDGs

A Training of the Trainers session on strengthening the health sector's response to violence against women in Uganda. Participants learn how to improve their referral plans by learning about the difficulties survivors face when being referred to various services.

Making health services a safe place for women: Uganda steps up to support women subjected to violence

Dr Moeti delivering her speech at the first WHO Global Ministerial Conference on ending TB in the sustainable development era

Political will and evidence-based action to end TB in the African Region a must – WHO Regional Director for Africa