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Medical supplies allocated to flood affected areas being dispatched to partners. Photo WHO

WHO and partners respond to flood crises in the former Northern Bahr el Ghazal and Upper Nile States of South Sudan

One year after Nigeria emergency declaration.

L'agent en charge de l'Information Education Communication (IEC) donne des conseils d'usage

Protéger les burundais du paludisme : campagne nationale de distribution de moustiquaires imprégnées du 18 au 22 septembre

Field worker demonstrating snail collection

WHO convenes experts to enhance capacity for schistosomiasis control across the sub-Sahara Region

Training in session

WHO supports capacity building for enforcement of and compliance with tobacco control regulations in Zanzibar

The team of consultants - Ms Zorodzai Machekanyanga, Mr Brine Masvikeni, Dr Mutale Mumba from WHO/IST, Dr Kazoka Antony-WHO Tanzania and Mr Kiptoon Shem- WHO Kenya during the MR IPV Post Introduction Evaluation debriefing meeting at Sibane Hotel in Ezulwini

Swaziland conducts Post MR and IPV vaccine Introduction Evaluation