Featured news

IDSR Training session in progress

Botswana successfully concludes the IDSR national Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop

Participants in the cross-border meeting on Marburg Virus Disease.

Uganda and Kenya Hold Cross Border Meeting on Marburg Virus Disease

Over 300 textile workers listening to presentations during the World Mental Health Day commemoration at the factory.

Mental health in the workplace: Commemoration of the World Mental Health Day in Swaziland

A group photo of stakeholders at the workshop.

Stakeholders in the health sector express satisfaction with European Union supported health system project

WHO presenter speaks about reporting styles in relation to emergencies

Engaging media for effective risk communication in Seychelles

Tobacco advocates at the high table

WHO and partners engage stakeholders for implementation of the tobacco control act 2016

WHO Health Workers delivering the MVD Solidarity Package to the family of CJ, the second confirmed case.

Local Communities in Kween District Embrace Marburg Virus Disease Control Interventions