Featured news

Dr Riek Gai Kok, Honorable Minister of Health briefing the press on AVW.Photo WHO

WHO reaching children through accelerated outreach vaccination


Statement on the Monkeypox Case in Pujehun District, Sierra Leone

Sokoto Commissioner for Health (1st right) preparing to vaccinate a child at the flag-off

Meningitis Vaccines Will Protect Over 800,000 Young Persons in Sokoto Says Commissioner

Chlorination test of water collected from Plastic drums

WHO AWD Surge Team field visit to Somali Region, Ethiopia

Various organisations joined in the march past to mark World Malaria Day

Zambia launches the National Malaria Elimination Strategic Plan to guide the efforts targeted at the realisation of the vision of a Malaria free Zambia by 2021

Hon Minister Makgato butressing a point during the public address

Minister of Health and Wellness kicks off Public Lecture Series