Featured news

Hon. Minister of Health, Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, delivering his key note address at the high level stakeholders meeting on NCDS and development in Zambia

Zambian government places multi-sectoral control and prevention of Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) on centre stage following the 5-9 December 2016 visit of UN Inter-Agency Task Force on NCDs.

Kigali Convention Center lightened in blue to support the World Diabetes Day

2016 World Diabetes Campaign in Rwanda “Eyes on Diabetes”


Uganda hosts African Regional Workshop on understanding and tracking the TB epidemic for policy and programmatic action

WHO and OAFLA step up actions to further improve health in Africa

(L-R) Dr Samson Arzoaquoi, Rev John Sumo and Dr Catherine Cooper launching the policy and media kit

Liberia Ministry of Health Launches the National Policy and Strategic Plan on Health Promotion


Uganda launches HIV/AIDS test and treat guidelines at World AIDS Day commemoration

Professor Adewole (Right) welcoming Dr Alemu to his office in Abuja.

Minister of Health Receives In-coming WHO Representative to Nigeria