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WHO supports MoH to build capacity of medical practitioners and government departments in Medical Certification of cause of Death and ICD Coding


Uganda Ministry of Health launches the National Coordination Committee for Tuberculosis


WHO trains core team to conduct a pilot in Enteric-fever surveillance

(L-R) Minister Tolbert Nyenswah, Dr Tony Chan, Dr Alex Gasasira and Minister Stanford Wesseh

Malaria indicator survey 2016 for Liberia launched

Stakeholder Commitment to the Elimination of Malaria

Botswana’s fight towards Malaria Elimination intensifies: Stakeholders pledge support to achieve elimination end game targets

Health workers practicing real time reporting during EWARS in Borno

WHO trains health workers on Early Warning and Alert System in Borno State

In Mingkaman, the “EWARS in a box” kits arrive by UN helicopter. Due to poor road conditions access to more remote areas or those in conflict is only possible by air, especially during the rainy season

WHO and partners battle multiple disease outbreaks in South Sudan

Community resource persons (CORPs) from newly liberated areas participate in group discussion during a training in Integrated Management of Childhood Illness in Maiduguri, Borno State WHO/ P Ajello

Nigerian Crisis Situation Report, 12 September 2016