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UN staff in blood donation drive

Left to Right: School Head, Ms Moje (Kasane P. School) Mr Tembo (Lab) and Dr J. Mwansa (consultant) during school visit

Botswana On the Search Mode for Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) in the Country

Angola: Health authorities and partners embark on new phase of yellow fever outbreak

EPA/D. Dal Zennaro

Kenya takes steps to save mothers’ lives, showing why better data matters

WHO, governments and health agencies commit to advancing global health security

Dr Ovberedjo (with raised hand) emphasizing team work in ensuring Botswana eliminates malaria

Botswana trains newly recruited Malaria Elimination Surveillance Officers

 Dr Jackson Kioko , Ag Director of Medical services  gives opening remarks on behalf of Cabinet Secretary

Kenya launches Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) Master Plan 2016-2020