Featured news

Dr Francis Kateh, Deputy Minister and CMO making a presentation on Health Care Management

Ministry of Health Strengthens County Capacity to Implement Integrated and People-centered Health Services

Participants of AVW donating blood during the launching as one of live saving activities

Ethiopia launched the 6th African Vaccination Week


Health is a bridge from crisis to sustainable development

Press Release: African Vaccination Week (AVW) being Commemorated in Ethiopia, 18-24 MAY 2016

Press Release: African Vaccination Week (AVW) being Commemorated in Ethiopia, 18-24 MAY 2016


Uganda hosts Strategic Partnership Portal


WHO confirms Zika virus strain imported from the Americas to Cabo Verde

Mrs Ban Soon-taek (centre), together with senior Government officials and WLO at the Seychelles hospital

UN Secretary General Mr Ban Ki-moon on official visit in Seychelles


Risk Profiling to Assure Better Preparedness in Emergency Preparedness and Response in Ethiopia