Featured news

Hon. Minister of Health, Dr. Chitalu Chilufya (centre), WHO Rep., Dr. Jacob. Mufunda (right), Programme Manager for Health Promotion, WHO AFRO, Prof. D. Munodawafa, at the HiAP workshop.

WHO Supports a Workshop on Health in All policies for government Ministries

African leaders pledge to improve emergency preparedness and response at West African Regional Conference on One Health

Nigerian Crisis Situation Report, 12 November 2016


Eritrea Commemorates World Diabetes Day 2016

Midwife doing routine malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) screening to a pregnant woman as an Ante-Natal Care service in Garba Buzu IDP Camp MdM

Borno Health Sector Bulletin, 12 November 2016

Participants listening to a demonstration of teaching methods

Training of trainers workshop for TB management


WHO donates emergency medical supplies for the response in Borno State, Nigeria