Featured news

Introductory briefing of the Rotarians at WHO Ethiopia

WHO and Rotary – Exemplary Partnership to End Polio in Ethiopia

Samuel Eto’o training with some of the children at the Football academy in Freetown

“FIFA 11 for Health” programme launched in Sierra Leone to promote healthy lifestyles among young people

Participants of World Polio Day Commemoration

WPD 2015 Colorfully Commemorated at Addis Ababa Assembly Hall

Muaz Reshid with a radiant smile at the hydrotherapy facility.

Inaugurating the Hydrotherapy Facility for Polio Rehabilitation – the first of its kind in Ethiopia

Training on Health Financing, Bilene, 26-30 October 2015

Costing health care reforms to move towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC): Considerations for National Health Insurance in South Africa


Malaria Consortium disseminates a mid-term evaluation report on a UNITAID supported project "Use of Quality assured malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests (mRDTs) in the Private sector"

Dr Moeti handing over the official communication from the WHO DG to President Buahri

WHO formally announces removal of Nigeria from polio-endemic list