Featured news

Mohamed Sesay, laboratory technician at Kenema Government Hospital, Sierra Leone WHO/S. Gborie

The last Ebola survivor of his team

Adiatu Pujeh, nurse at the King Harman Road Hospital, Sierra Leone WHO/S. Gborie

Giving back after Ebola

DR Jackson Kioko, head of  DPPHS, MOH addresses the cholera meeting

Urgent Resolve to end Cholera Outbreak in Kenya

WHO community surveillance training at Matam in Conakry

WHO trains 250 community surveillance workers for Ebola response

Save Kids Lives – with Road Safety

During supportive supervision of STEPs survey

WHO provides supportive supervision to Ethiopia’s nationwide NCD STEPs survey


Uganda Launches the Global Road Safety Campaign


Sixth Essential National List of Medicines (ENLM) Review Consensus Workshop was kicked off