Before the Ebola virus arrived in Freetown, Sierra Leone, hospital nurse Adiatu Pujeh and her colleagues at the King Harman Hospital thought malaria was the most challenging dis
In a new initiative by WHO in partnership with UNICEF, CDC, Coordination Nationale de Lutte Contre Ebola, MSF and IFRC, 250 community surveillance workers are being trained to r
23 May 2015, Nairobi, Kenya - Health experts, leaders and county managers have this week, called for a concerted effort to end the cholera outbreak at once and save the lives of
Kampala, 21 May, 2015:- The United Nations Global Road Safety Campaign was launched in Kampala at the World Health Organization (WHO) Country Office with a call
As part of its commitment to provide technical support to Ethiopia’s efforts to ensure the health of its people, the WHO Ethiopia Country Office engages in supportive supervisio