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L-R: Dr Pierre M'Pele-Kilebou, WHO Representative; Mr Bornwell Kantande UNHCR Deputy Representative; Mr Kazuhiro Suzuki, Ambassador of Japan ; Mr Gatluak Tut Khot, President of Gambella Regional State of Ethiopia; Mr Mohamed Diab, WFP Country Director a.i

Japan announces support to WFP, WHO and UNHCR to assist South Sudanese refugees and Ethiopian host community in Gambella

The Minister of Health (3rd left) and WR at the World TB Day

2015 World TB Day: Nigeria unites against tuberculosis.

Speech of Deputy Director General, RBCMinistry of Health, Father Jean Baptiste Mazarati

World TB Day 2015: No one in Rwanda should be left behind in fight against TB

Nigeria inaugurates National Laboratory Containment Committee for polio virus.

WHO participating in training Muslim community burial team

Empowering communities to conduct safe burial practices

WHO contributes Dispensary Tents and Ambulances to strengthen Health Services in Pibor

Nigeria commemorates 2015 World Oral Health Day

Nigeria commemorates 2015 World Oral Health Day