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Ebola virus disease in Guinea

Countries Urged to Step-up Fight against TB

Nigeria joins the world to commemorate world oral health day

Nigeria joins the world to commemorate world oral health day

The Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan, The Right Honourable Wani Igga, shakes the hand of the WHO Country Representative, Dr Abdi Aden Mohamed at New York Hotel in Juba. Looking on is the Minster of Health, Republic of South Sudan Honourable Reik Gai Kok photo: WHO/P,Ajello

World Health Organization supports Ministry of Health, Republic of South Sudan to develop National Malaria Strategic Plan, 2014 - 2020

Dr Ameha Kebede, Director of Ethiopian Public Health Institute, officially opening the meeting on behalf of the Minister of Health, 19 March 2014

Ethiopia poised to interrupt transmission of guinea-worm disease in 2014


WHO Representative Visits Uganda Virus Research Institute

WHO Representative Dr. Delanyo Dovlo delivers immunization to child under 2 Sheila Mburu/WHO/2014

Rwanda continues to prioritise maternal and child health : MCH week launch event