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African leaders urged to prioritize vaccination

[Above] Chairing the meetings, [Below] Panelists of the African diaspora initiative, AU

Highlights of Day Two - Experts Meeting of the 6th Conference of AU Ministers of Health

Ministry of Health Representatives and WHO Representative during a media Conference to disclose details on AVW in Angola actual RI data

African Vaccination Week Angola

Right to left - the WHO representative in Cameroon, Dr Charlotte Faty Ndiaye; and the Director of health promotion in the ministry of health Dr Saa.

Cameroon: Involving the media to promote the health benefits of vaccination


Vaccination Team Innovates, Lays Ambush for Zero Dose


African Vaccination Week (AVW) Mauritania

The WHO Representative, Dr. Rufaro Chatora greeting the gathering at the launch in Mlandizi, Coastal Region

The United Republic of Tanzania commemorates World Immunization Week with a call to ensure all children are vaccinated


The Regional African Vaccination Week 2013 has commenced successfully in the DRC