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Lesotho develops adolescent health standards

Conference Adopts Recommendations on Immunization Systems, Polio Eradication, Others

Nigeria Outlines Strategies to “Kick Polio out” by 2013

Dr Sambo Receives Honorary Doctorate (Doutor Honoris Causa) from Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Portugal

The theme of the 4th ARCI: Innovation, Access and Right for all to vaccines

The 4th Annual Regional Conference on Immunization (ARCI) commences in Tanzania with a theme: Innovation, access and right for all to vaccines

UNICEF and WHO welcome South Africa’s new regulations on infant foods

Some of the participants at the NDoH/WCO/US CDC Risk Communication Workshop held 4-6 September, in Pretoria, South Africa

Accelerate Prevention, Control, Elimination and Eradication of Neglected Tropical Diseases