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Dr. Martins Ovberedjo on behalf of WHO, handing over keys for the vehicle to the Minister for Regional Administration and Local Government (PMORALG), Hon. Hawa Ghasia (MP)

The World Health Organization hands over vehicles to the Prime Minister's Office Regional Administration & Local Government (PMORALG) for strengthening district health services, in Singida DC, Iramba DC and Meru DC

 Deputy-II of Health launching the Strategic Plan

Sierra Leone Launches National Tobacco Control Strategic Plan on World No Tobacco Day 2013

The campaign banner which led the march preceding the commemoration in Mufakose

Zimbabwe commemorates World No Tobacco Day


Uganda commemorates World no Tobacco Day 2013

(L-R) The Hon. Minister of Health, Dr. Joseph Kasonde giving a statement to mark the WNTD at Nakatindi Hall in Lusaka, the WHO Representative, Dr. Olusegun Babaniyi , Dean, University of Zambia School of Medicine, Dr. Fastone Goma, and Mrs Brenda Chitindi, from the Tobacco Free Association of Zambia

Highlights of the World No Tobacco Day 2013 commemoration in Zambia

The Ilala District Commissioner, Mr Jordan Rugimbana delivering remarks on behalf of the Regional Commissioner for Dar es Salaam

World No Tobacco Day 2013 commemorations in Tanzania


Lesotho commemorates World No Tobacco Day