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The Ministry of Public health Prof Awa Marie Coll Seck during the advocacy meeting, 22th of April

African Vaccination Week (AVW) Senegal

01 Acrobatic Performance during Launch.

Observance of 3rd Edition of AVW in Liberia

2013 World Health Day commemoration “High blood Pressure” introduces Malawi to the piloting of the WHO Package for Essential Non Communicable Diseases in Kasungu

Nutrition Stakeholders in Sierra Leone with leadership from the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS)  and technical support from WHO ended a 3 day micronutrient stakeholder consultative technical workshop on 12 April 2013 in Freetown. The meeting was held to engage partners to come up with concrete strategies and recommendations that will guide a successful conduct of the 2013 National Micronutrient Survey as well as to finalize the survey protocol. The opening session of the meeting was graced by Mr Fo

Stakeholders Hold Planning Meeting for 2013 National Micronutrient Survey

Dr Gaturukuh/WHO presenting findings on coordination

Ministry of Health and Partners Conduct Post Epidemic Evaluation of Recent Cholera Outbreak

The Deputy Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Dr Seif Rashid, the WHO Representative, Dr. Rufaro Chatora and Dr. Prabhjot Singh, co-chair of the One Million CHW Campaign during the workshop at the Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health (TTCIH) in Ifakara.

The United Republic Of Tanzania hosts a multi-country health forum on “one million community health workers campaign”: 14th-18th April, 2013

The Deputy Minister, Dr Fofanah Launching the Documents

Ministry of Health Launches Integrated Waste Management and other Policy Documents