The teenage girls queuing up inside the Girls Senior High School in Tamale, the capital of the Northern Region of Ghana, fan away the hot air with their vaccination cards.
The Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) with technical and financial support of WHO and other partners on Thursday 27 October 2011 commenced a two day stakeholders meeting
Kampala, 4th November 2011 -- The mood was upbeat; the place immaculately spruced and decorated; journalists paced up and down clicking their cameras at ev
On the 20th of October 2011, Dr Delanyo DOVLO presented his letters of credence appointing him as WHO Country Representative in Rwanda, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Co
The WHO Country Office hosted a stakeholder’s consultative meeting on 26th October 2011 to review the draft five-year Joint Strategy for accelerating the scale up of Voluntary M
Brazzaville, 31 October 2011 -- An expert consultation on malaria vector control has ended in Brazzaville, Congo, with key recommendations on principles and decision making cri