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WHO Regional Expert Committee evaluates progress on the Traditional Medicine Strategy

Polio Victims Trust Association members Chairman PHAN Abdu Bako Hashim, left, Secretary PHAN Safiyanu Ado Sharfadi, Chairman PVTA Aminu Ahmed Tudun-Wada, Secretary PVTA Yusuf Umar

Against the odds - Kano cripples take action to fight polio

Seven UN Agencies agree on joint inter-agency action for Acceleration of HIV prevention in Africa

Consultation to accelerate HIV prevention in Africa opens in Brazzaville

WHO, other UN agencies meet to accelerate HIV prevention in Africa

Third forum of the African AIDS Vaccine Programme: Africa takes action to overcome challenges for HIV vaccine development

African food safety meeting sends strategic plan for food safety to UN Agencies and African Union for adoption

WHO pledges assistance for food safety monitoring in Africa