
The World Health Organization and the Roll Back Malaria Partnership to end Malaria have catalyzed a new country-led approach to accelerate reductions in malaria cases and deaths globally.
WHO led a Field Simulation Exercise (FSX) at the Namanga One Stop Border Post and surrounding areas in both Kenya and Tanzania between June 11 to June 14. The exercise was convened by the East Africa Community (EAC). It tested country and regional preparedness, prevention and response to an…
The search for the poliovirus is triggered when any child is found with acute flaccid paralysis. From the most remote communities to the laboratory, the World Health Organization makes sure that the components of the surveillance system work together so that if the poliovirus is circulating…
Some children live in places that are harder to reach with polio vaccines than others. In every vulnerable country, the World Health Organization helps make sure that every child receives polio vaccines; even those who are on the move, living in conflict zones or in remote communities.
Dr Arlindo Nascimento do Rosário, Minister of Health and Social Security in Cabo Verde, spoke about the use of digital technology in the country to accelerate attainment of universal health coverage.
Documentário sobre a Vacinação das crianças contra Hepatitis B à nascença em Cabo Verde.
En ce jour de célébration de la journée contre l'hépatite la parole est donnée à la jeune société civile. A l’instar de la communauté internationale, la Mauritanie a célébré la journée contre l’hépatite commémorée cette année sous le thème « investissons pour éliminer l’hépatite » mettant l’accent…
Le Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Lutte contre le Sida, avec l'appui du Bureau de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé au Burundi, a organisé du 16 juillet au 2 août 2019, une série de formations en cascade sur la Prévention et le Contrôle de l’Infection, à l’intention des professionnels de…