
Le gouvernement du Bénin a lancé officiellement, ce 29 Mars 2021, la campagne de vaccination COVID-19. La cérémonie de lancement a été présidée par deux Ministres du Gouvernement, le Ministre de la Santé et la Ministre des Affaires Sociales et de la Microfinance. Du côté des Nations Unies, le…
Le gouvernement du Bénin a lancé officiellement, ce 29 Mars 2021, la campagne de vaccination COVID-19. La cérémonie de lancement a été présidée par deux Ministres du Gouvernement, le Ministre de la Santé et la Ministre des Affaires Sociales et de la Microfinance.
Sharing COVID-19 Experiences  The Rwandan Response
Dr Mihigo Richard shares progress made in vaccine acquisition and rollout readiness.
As we prepare for COVID-19 vaccination rollout, here is an explanation of how vaccines work.
How has COVID-19 spurred innovation in Africa? Find answers to this and more in this exclusive podcast.
As new variants of COVID-19 surface in different countries, more and more people are becoming worried. Here, Dr Ali tell us more about what can be done and how WHO is scaling response to this.
COVID-19 has spurred innovations across Africa. Listen to how WHO Afro and partners are supporting innovations across the continent.
Le SNU Bénin ne baissera pas les bras face à la COVID-19. C'est le message fort des Chefs d'agence des Nations Unies dans cette vidéo. Le SNU s'engage à accompagner les efforts du gouvernement du Bénin et encourager les populations au respect des gestes barrières.
In Uganda, WHO has been supporting the work of volunteer health workers on Village Health Teams, to get messages about COVID-19 prevention and surveillance to communities who need it most. This will not only help with prevention, but also reporting of COVID-19, which will help the Ministry of…
Mr Mark Oguma Oguti and his daughter Claudia are thrilled about the launch of the #YellowFever Vaccination campaign.