Burundi Refugee Children vaccinated against Measles and polio

Burundi Refugee Children vaccinated against Measles and polio

From 23rd to 24th May, the Government of Rwanda, Ministry of Disasters Management and Refugees and Ministry of Health, UN Agencies in Rwanda, namely UNHCR, UNICEF, WHO and other Partners have organized an integrated immunization campaign for children under 15 years in the Burundi Refugees Camp of Mahama, District Kirehe, Eastern Province.

The ceremony has been launched on 23th  May by the Deputy Director General in Rwanda Biomedical Center, Ministry of Health, in presence of World Health Organization Representative a.i. Were also present, Representatives from UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA, UN Women, UNAIDS, IOM and American Rescue Committee which is managing the camp.The interventions for the campaign were polio and measles vaccination, and administration of Mebendazole for de-worming of supplementation of Vitamin A.

Conditions in refugee camp contexts elsewhere have proven to be among the highest risk for the spread of two common but very dangerous childhood illnesses: measles and polio. As part of its core commitments to protect all children, including those in emergency contexts like those experienced by the current Burundi refugee population, UN Agencies are supporting the Government of Rwanda, under Ministry of Health coordination and its partners to carry out blanket immunisation of all children aged under 15 in the Mahama refugee camp, for a potential total of 10,000 children. This will help prevent outbreaks of either disease in the Mahama refugee camp and also prevent any cases spreading to the surrounding host Rwandan populations.

The vaccination for measles is targeting children from 9 months to 15 years, while the one for polio for children aged from 0 to 5 years. At least 95% of the children have to be vaccinated for effectiveness of the vaccine. An estimated number of 10,000 children under 15 are targeted to be vaccinated for measles and polio. For routine immunization, Measles and Polio vaccination will continue to be provided in camp on a weekly basis for new arrivals with the support of the local Health Center.

The Government has also provided human resources and other logistic aspects for the campaign. 50 nurses from the nearest Health Centers have supported the vaccination activity, and were supervised by the Health Center and District Hospital staff. To facilitate access to vaccination, 10 sites have been prepared in the camp by American Rescue Committee staff and 80 Community Health Workers have facilitated sensitization before and during the campaign, and have been dispatched into the sites for assistance in data collection during the campaign.

The results of the vaccination campaign have been successful. The coverage for polio vaccination is 91%, Measles/Rubella 93%, Vitamin A supplementation 106% and Mebendazole 96%.

Government and Senior representatives from UN agencies in Rwanda and other Partners visited also Mahama camp on Saturday 23 May and received updates on the progress of the refugee response in health and other urgent matters. A meeting has been organized after the visit and recommendations for improving health outcomes have been taken, and will receive quick and adequate response.

More than 23,000 of the 27,000 Burundian refugees who fled to Rwanda since early April have been successfully moved to Mahama camp, where UN Agencies and other partners are providing shelter, food, clean water, health care, and protection, under the overall leadership of the Government of Rwanda’s Ministry of Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs (MIDIMAR).


For more information, please contact:

Email: gasherebukab [at] who.int (gasherebukab[at]who[dot]int)


1) View of Burundi Mahama Camp, District Kirehe, Eastern Province
2) Burundi Mahama Camp: Dr J.de Dieu Ngirabega, Deputy Director Genearl IHDPC/RBC vaccinating against measles.
3) Representative a.i. of WHO, Dr M. Ovberedjo administering Mebendazole
4) Refugee Mahama Camp: Youth playing

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