Feature Stories

Catching up on missed childhood vaccinations

When a man in Temessadou M’Boket – a village in the densely forested southern Guinea region – died in early August 2021 after suffering fever, headache and haemorrhage, Fassara Diawara, the head of a local clinic, was quick to act. 

Mental health support for Marburg survivors

Washington Mushobozi, who was isolated in a Marburg Virus Disease treatment facility, says he does not know if he could have coped with missing his mother’s funeral had it not been for the warmth and kindness of the social workers who helped him through his grief.

Launching HPV vaccination

When 13-year-old Eswatini primary school pupil Tenele Sibandze* (not her real name) overcame her fear of being vaccinated against human papillomavirus (HPV), she became one of tens of thousands of young girls protected against cervical cancer, the country’s leading cancer among women aged 15 to 49.

Low donor numbers hamper Africa’s national blood services

A terrible car accident in late 2022 in Ghana’s southern Akuse town left Nana Serwaa Brakatuo in a critical condition. With a ruptured liver and blood clots in the lungs, doctors said her chances of survival were bleak, without timely and sufficient blood transfusion needed for her surgery. But thanks to blood donations from anonymous donors, family and friends, doctors were able to save her life.