High Level WHO Delegation Visits South Sudan to Welcome the 47th Member State to the African Region

High Level WHO Delegation Visits South Sudan to Welcome the 47th Member State to the African Region

Juba, 25 October 2013 -- A high level delegation from the World Health Organization (WHO), led by the Regional Director for Africa, Dr Luis G Sambo is visiting South Sudan to assess WHO’s technical cooperation and officially welcome the country as the 47th Member State to the African Region. On arrival, Dr Sambo met with the President of the Republic of South Sudan, H.E. General Salva Kiir Mayardit, in the President’s Office, in the presence of the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr Riek Gai Kok. During the meeting, the President expressed his appreciation of WHO’s commitment to work with the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to alleviate the country’s high disease burden, and to particularly reduce maternal and child deaths. Dr Sambo expressed his gratitude for the warm reception, saying, “As Regional Director for Africa, it is a great pleasure to visit the highest authority of this country. This is a sign of the Government’s commitment to strengthen the WHO–South Sudan cooperation.”

Following the meeting with the President, Dr Sambo addressed the South Sudan media expressing concern about the country’s health indicators and the need to strengthen the capacity of the national health system to meet the looming health needs of the people. He stressed WHO’s commitment to supporting the Government’s efforts to reduce the disease burden and improve maternal and child health. “There’s a lot to be done,” he concluded, “But the commitment of South Sudan’s Government and its strong health partnerships inspires hope.”

In a meeting between Dr Sambo and the Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Dr Barnaba Marial Benjamin, the Basic Agreement between the World Health Organization and the Government of the Republic of South Sudan for the Establishment of Cooperation was signed. The Hon Dr Benjamin underscored the need for WHO’s support in strengthening national human and institutional capacity to fill existing gaps.

Dr Sambo and his delegation later met with the Hon Minister of Health, Dr Kok, and his team for a technical working session where the health challenges of the Republic of South Sudan and the support required from WHO were discussed.

The WHO high-level delegation will meet with other health and development partners, the United Nations Country Team and donors during its stay in South Sudan until 28 October 2013

For more information, please contact: 

Dr Abdi Aden Mohamed mohameda [at] nbo.emro.who.int (mohameda[at]nbo[dot]emro[dot]who[dot]int) Tel: +211 954 69578 ; 

Loza Mesfin lozam [at] et.afro.who.int (lozam[at]et[dot]afro[dot]who[dot]int) Tel: +251-911 144 194; 

Pauline Ajello ajellop [at] nbo.emro.who.int (ajellop[at]nbo[dot]emro[dot]who[dot]int).

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