International Women’s Day 2021

International Women’s Day 2021

March 8 holds a special place in every woman’s heart. It’s a day of celebration for acknowledgement of women’s contribution to human development. Women in the past were house makers, but today women play a major role in cultural, economic, political, and social affairs. Women are the majority in the world population and their contribution is a matter of great importance.  

This year, the theme for International Women’s Day held on (8th March), was “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”.

We at WHO Eritrea realize the importance of March 8 and as such, we celebrated it in the office. Men in the office served the ladies; honouring the special day with Traditional Coffee Ceremony. Every lady in the office was presented with a flower and a postcard wishing women a pleasant day and appreciating women’s contribution.
The WR and male work colleagues took turns in making speeches and stated that women are the backbone of the family and workplace. They play a decisive role in the success of organizations, including WHO. Our male staff members mutually and conjointly pledged to support women and make the workplace better for women. They also pledged to help women achieve upper career mobility and make them high earners, happy mothers’ and strong family members. 

Women’s day March 8 shall live in our heart and will be celebrated daily. At the end of the eventful celebration, the men participants congratulated the women and affirmed that they will celebrate next year’s March 8 Women’s day within a COVID free environment, closer proximity and much more fanfare. 

May the future hold better things for the future of women in Eritrea! 

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For Additional Information or to Request Interviews, Please contact:
Solomon Kahsay Rahwa

IT WCO Eritrea
Tel: +291-1-114175
Mobile: +291-7118910
DID: +4724137499
Email: solomonr [at] (solomonr[at]who[dot]int)