Liberia Ministry of Health Hosts the 8th Joint Annual Health Sector Review Conference

Liberia Ministry of Health Hosts the 8th Joint Annual Health Sector Review Conference

Monrovia 10th November, 2016 - The Ministry of Health of Liberia held the 8th Joint Annual Health Sector Review Conference that reviewed the first year of implementation of the Investment Plan for Building a Resilient Health System (2015-2020).  The conference held at Paynesville City Hall in Monrovia from  7th to  9th November, 2016 run under the theme “Reflecting the Gains: Building a Resilient and Sustainable Health System in Liberia Post Ebola”.  It took stock of the performance of the sector focusing on achievements, challenges and agreed on actions to enhance performance during the next fiscal year.

The Minister of Health, Honorable Dr Bernice Dahn, appreciated individuals, and all health partners for their commitment to supporting the implementation of the investment plan hence the remarkable improvement in all the key health indicators.  The Minister highlighted key achievements registered notably, the rolling out of the Community health assistants program; reviving routine health services countrywide; expanding diagnostic capacity for six priority diseases of public health importance, improving infection prevention and control in health facilities and strengthening management capacity. Dr Dahn appealed for concerted efforts, sustained investment in the health sector, and strong collaboration and partnership to maintain progress made in building resilience in the health system for Liberia.

The WHO Country Representative for Liberia, Dr Alex Gasasira, congratulated the Ministry of Health and its partners for hosting the first review meeting after one year of adoption of the national Investment Plan for Building a Resilient Health System. Implementation of Liberia’s health workforce program, progress in enhancing IHR (2005) core capacities and strengthening partner coordination in support of Universal Health Coverage are areas of progress recognized by the international community including during high level meetings. 

Development partners attending the conference reiterated their commitment to continue working closely with the government, Ministry of Health, and all stakeholders to achieve the health goals set out in the work plans. 

Other key health partners who supported the implementation of the different pillars of the investment plan include local and international agencies, Faith Based organizations, Civil Society Organizations, the private sector, sector Ministries, local government, the legislature, individuals and communities.

During the technical sections of the Joint Annual Health Review Conference, the Ministry of Health reported on the progress registered in all the nine pillars of the Investment Plan during the first year of its implementation. There were improvements on human resource development and employment, expansion of health infrastructure, access to health services, partnership development and increased resource mobilization and utilization. The conference noted the excellent performance of a number of counties and accorded them special recognition for their achievements.

However despite the achievements, the health sector encountered multiple challenges, including persistent high maternal mortality, inadequate human resources, poorly equipped health infrastructure, reduced funding levels, high attrition of staff due to low salaries, and bad road conditions affecting access and service delivery. To address these issues a number of recommendations were developed and at the conclusion of the conference a resolution was adopted and endorsed by all participants.

The  Health Sector Review Conference was attended by Senior MoH officials, Parliamentarians, County Superintendents, County Health Officers, Civil Society Organizations, Faith based Organizations, sectoral Ministries, Health development partners including the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), USAID Collaborative Support for Health Program (USAID CHS), Department for International Development (DFID), European Union (EU), Irish AID, Global Fund, JICA, John Snow International, MERCI, The Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), UNOPs, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), World Bank, World Health Organization, and the media.


For more information contact
Technical: Dr Alex Gasasira, email: %20gasasiraa [at] who.intt (gasasiraa[at]who[dot]int)

Communication: Luwaga Liliane, Email:%20luwagal [at] ( luwagal[at]who[dot]int)



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