News Releases

91 million Africans infected with Hepatitis B or C

More than 91 million Africans live with Hepatitis B or C, which are the deadliest strains of the virus, according to a World Health Organization (WHO) scorecard that launched today – ahead of tomorrow’s World Hepatitis Day.

In Africa, 63% jump in diseases spread from animals to people seen in last decade

Africa is facing a growing risk of outbreaks caused by zoonotic pathogens, such as the monkeypox virus which originated in animals and then switched species and infected humans. There has been a 63% increase in the number of zoonotic outbreaks in the region in the decade from 2012-2022 compared to 2001-2011, according to World Health Organization (WHO) analysis.

Southern Africa in fresh vaccination drive to halt wild polio

Mozambique today kicked off the third round of vaccination against wild poliovirus type 1 as southern Africa countries launch a further drive to protect all under 5 children and halt the debilitating virus from spreading. Neighbouring Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia will also embark on the third phase of mass vaccination campaigns in the coming weeks.

Bolstering monkeypox laboratory testing in Africa

With three African countries with no previous history of human monkeypox transmission reporting cases, World Health Organization (WHO) is working with national health authorities in the region to bolster surveillance and laboratory diagnosis to detect cases and deter a silent spread of the virus.