Photo Stories

Delivering health services to Ethiopia’s drought-affected populations

Prolonged drought in parts of the greater Horn of Africa region has devastated millions of lives. In South and south-eastern Ethiopia, around 24 million people are grappling with severe food insecurity, malnutrition and extreme deprivation as their livelihoods have been severely affected following five straight seasons of failed rains.

Keeping up the vigilance on Ebola in Uganda’s capital

With no new Ebola cases registered in the Ugandan capital since 14 November, the Kampala Capital City health authorities in collaboration with the Ministry of Health recently carried out a seven-day public awareness campaign to maintain the population’s vigilance to help end the outbreak. With support from World Health Organization (WHO), the Central Division authorities worked with more than 1500 community mobilizers and “boda boda” – motor taxi drivers – who went on a door-to-door drive every day to raise awareness, fight rumours and misinformation and ensure that people report any suspected Ebola cases. 

Caring for Uganda’s Ebola survivors

Mubende, Uganda ‒ Uganda declared the end of Ebola disease outbreak caused by Sudan ebolavirus on 11 January 2023. The health authorities worked intensely, ramping up outbreak control measures that helped to halt the virus in less than four months after it was confirmed. Improved testing, surveillance, contact tracing, supportive clinical care and boosting community participation in the response were critical in ending the outbreak.

Global Polio Eradication Initiative implements gender equality strategy in Zimbabwe’...

Harare – Zimbabwe successfully completed the first round of a vaccination drive against wild poliovirus between October 27 and 30, 2022, reaching 2.2 million eligible children under the age of five, who are most at risk of infection.

The campaign was launched by the Government of Zimbabwe with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) as part of a comprehensive multi-country response to outbreaks of wild poliovirus reported in Malawi and Mozambique in February and May this year respectively.

Rallying to defeat mpox in Nigeria

Nigeria is witnessing a rise in mpox cases. Between 1 January and 30 October 2022, 583 confirmed cases were recorded, compared with only 34 confirmed cases during 2021. The surge has prompted the health authorities to ramp up control measures to curb the transmission of the virus.