Promoting Evidence for Health Policy Development in the African Region
Brazzaville, 6 December 2006 -- Focal Persons in the WHO African Region responsible for Health Information, Research and knowledge Management are gathered in Brazzaville, Congo, for their first meeting to discuss the use of evidence for developing policy for health interventions
“This meeting is an important milestone in our work”, the Director of Programme Management at the WHO Regional office for Africa, Dr Paul-Samson Lusamba – Dikassa told participants at the opening of the workshop Tuesday.
“Our aim is to brief you on current activities related to strengthening health information systems including the AFRO database for national health information; to provide training on national health research systems assessment modules, and to brief you on current activities related to knowledge management.”
Dr Lusamba –Dikassa added: “Your roles and responsibilities are crucial and we expect you to coordinate all WHO technical support to countries in the area o health information, health research and knowledge management. You are also expected to play a central coordinating role in improving the availability and use of quality health data, methods and tools for estimation of relevant health statistics and indicators.”
Alluding to the vanguard role of WHO in global health, Dr Lusamba – Dikassa said; “The production and dissemination of WHO statistics for health action at country, regional and global levels is a core WHO activity. WHO-produced figures t carry great weight in national and international resource allocation, policy – making and programming”.
He stated that the organization would continue to promote messages that strengthen health information, research and knowledge management systems which, he said, were fundamental to generating knowledge to improve health outcomes and achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
While pledging that WHO would continue to support Member States to strengthen their national health information research and knowledge management systems, he said that countries had an important role complementary role to play.
.”In order to contribute to health development and the achievement of internationally- agreed health -related development goals, including those included in the MDGs, Member States should consider devoting more resources and efforts to strengthening their national health information, research and knowledge management systems”, he said.
For more information contact:
Technical contact
Dr D. Kebede
Tel: + 47 241 39176
E-mail: kebeded [at] (kebeded[at]afro[dot]who[dot]int)
Media Contact
Mr. Samuel T. Ajibola
Tel: + 47 241 39378
Email : ajibolas [at] (ajibolas[at]afro[dot]who[dot]int)