Sierra Leone Commences Combined External Surveillance Review and Post Introduction Evaluation of Pneumococcal Vaccine

Sierra Leone Commences Combined External Surveillance Review and Post Introduction Evaluation of Pneumococcal Vaccine

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) in collaboration with WHO is conducting a combined external surveillance review and post introduction evaluation (PIE) of Pneumococcal vaccine that was introduced into the country's immunization programme in January 2011. WHO recommends external surveillance reviews every 3 years to ensure countries conduct high quality surveillance activities that can detect diseases targeted for eradication, elimination and control in a timely manner. Six districts (Western Area, Bombali, Port Loko, Bo, Bonthe, and Kenema) were selected for the external surveillance review based on set criteria. The review team comprises of four external reviewers from WHO (3) and CDC (1). Combined teams made up of the external reviewers, MoHS, WCO, UNICEF, and other partners will conduct the review using standard questionnaires.


The external surveillance review will collect data at various levels (national, district, health facility). In addition traditional healers will be visited as well as verification of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) cases in the community. The review will focus on the organization of surveillance activities in the country, the functionality of surveillance reporting sites, diseases for case based surveillance, and Integrated Disease surveillance (IDSR). The review will identify and document risks and challenges to reaching and /maintaining the required level of performance at different levels of the national surveillance system.

WHO recommends a PIE 6-9 months after the introduction of new vaccines. The PIE evaluation will collect data at facility levels on vaccine storage, wastage, and logistics for administration of the vaccine and community receptiveness to the new vaccine. The evaluation process assesses the overall impact of the new vaccine on the country's immunization programme. The exercise is expected to identify problem areas within the immunization programme that were related to the new vaccine in order to guide future vaccine introduction methods. The evaluation is conducted using questionnaires, checklists, observation of practices and reviewing of records at health facilities and vaccine storage areas.

sl10102011-3The outcome of the review will be discussed in a forum where the external reviewers will present findings by region for discussion. The external reviewers will ensure that technical information related to surveillance and new vaccines introduction are provided and discussions will focus on corrective measures for gaps identified.


For more information contact:

World Health Organization

21 A and B Riverside Drive, off King Harman Road, Freetown

Phone: 232-22-233565, +232-76-723236

E-mail: whosl [at] (whosl[at]sl[dot]afro[dot]who[dot]int)  

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