WHO and South Sudan Sign Basic Cooperation Agreement

WHO and South Sudan Sign Basic Cooperation Agreement

Juba, 25 October 2013 -- A Basic Agreement between the World Health Organization and the Government of the Republic of South Sudan for the Establishment of Cooperation was signed on 25 October 2013 in a signing ceremony at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, where the Honorable Minister, Dr Barnaba Marial Benjamin signed on behalf of the Republic and WHO Africa Regional Director, Dr Luis G Sambo, signed on behalf of WHO.

The signing of the Basic Agreement for the Establishment of Cooperation is an important step in bringing to a higher level the mutual partnership of the two entities.  The document regognizes WHO’s diplomatic status in South Sudan, thereby upgrading the level of WHO presence in the country.  Speaking at the signing ceremony, both leaders underscored their commitment to enhance the level of cooperation between the Republic of South Sudan and WHO. Dr Sambo said in his address to South Sudan media that “WHO Africa Region will remain a reliable partner of the Government and people of the Republic of South Sudan in coordination with other international health partners.” He appreciated the leadership and efforts the government is making to address daunting health challenges such as high maternal and child mortality. 

The signing of the agreement seals the welcoming of the Republic of South Sudan as a Member State of the World Health Organization.

For more information, please contact: 

Dr Abdi Aden Mohamed mohameda [at] nbo.emro.who.int (mohameda[at]nbo[dot]emro[dot]who[dot]int) Tel: +211 954 69 578

Loza Mesfin lozam [at] et.afro.who.int (lozam[at]et[dot]afro[dot]who[dot]int) ;

Pauline Ajello ajellop [at] nbo.emro.who.int (ajellop[at]nbo[dot]emro[dot]who[dot]int). +211 955 873 055

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