World Blood Donor Day Launched in Liberia

World Blood Donor Day Launched in Liberia

Monrovia 22 June, 2016: Ministry of Health Liberia launched the World Blood donor Day on 21stJune under the theme “Blood connects us all” and a slogan ‘save a life donate blood’. This theme highlights the dimension of sharing and the connection between blood donors and patients. Access to safe blood and blood products is in line with the Investment plan to building a resilient health system.

Mrs. Bruce Lwopu, Director Blood Safety Program, Ministry of Health, applauded the voluntary unpaid donors for their life-saving gift of blood. She acknowledged that their donation has contributed to the gradual increase in blood collection hence enabling supply of safe blood to major hospitals in the country. Mrs. Bruce said that Liberia has a high blood demand; however voluntary non-remunerated blood donation contributes about 36 % of the total number of units required and appealed for enrolment of more voluntary donors.

Dr Laetitia Gahimbare, WHO Blood Safety Focal Person representing the WHO Country Representative read the statement of Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director of Africa on the World Blood Donors Day. Dr Moeti said, “The demand for transfusion of blood and blood products in the WHO African Region is high and the national blood transfusion services are facing challenges of making sufficient, safe and quality blood and blood products available”. Furthermore she noted that concrete actions are needed to improve the safety, quality, accessibility and timely availability of blood and blood products in the African Region. She called upon every healthy person, national health officials, patient groups, professional societies, civil society organizations, the private sector and international organizations to work towards ensuring their countries’ self-sufficiency in safe blood and blood products.

Other speakers who made goodwill remarks at the launch and promised to support the blood donation drive were Mr. Romeo Williams, Representative of District # 2, Paynesville City which hosted the launching event, and Mr. Joseph Gichuru, Technical Advisor, ACCEL (Academic Consortium for Combatting Ebola in Liberia).

A basketball tournament between three schools was part of the launch events during which information on blood safety was shared as well as recruitment of blood donors. Prior to the launch, awareness campaigns by University students, community outreaches in different communities around Monrovia, radio talk shows and press briefing as well as blood donation services were carried out from 14th June. More activities will continue in Montserrado and Bong counties, mainly daily radio jingles, outreach activities to recruit more voluntary blood donors and to collect more safe blood for the National Blood Safety Services. Health Professionals involved in Blood transfusion services will meet in Bong County for a two days’ workshop to deliberate on a sustainable plan towards availability, safety and non-remunerated blood donations in Liberia.

Key blood safety implementing partners supporting the Ministry in this year’s blood donation day include ACCEL, USAID, MSF(F), UNMIL and WHO. WHO remains committed to continue to provide technical support to the Ministry of Health to strengthen blood transfusion services and increase access to safe blood and blood products to save the lives of mothers, children and other patients in need of blood.

For more information please contact:

Technical: Dr Laetitia Gahimbare:  Laetitia.%20Laetitia.gahimbare [at] gmail.comt ( laetitia[dot]gahimbare[at]gmail[dot]com)

Communication: Luwaga Liliane: email  luwagal [at] ( luwagal[at]who[dot]int)




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