Press Release: African Vaccination Week (AVW) being Commemorated in Ethiopia, 18-24 MAY 2016
Press Release: African Vaccination Week (AVW) being Commemorated in Ethiopia, 18-24 MAY 2016

Haemorrhagic fever syndrome – South Sudan

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Disease Outbreak News 
19 May 2016

Between late December 2015 and early May 2016, the National IHR Focal of South Sudan notified WHO of an outbreak of haemorrhagic fever syndrome.

As of 9 May, a total of 51 suspected cases, including 10 deaths, had been reported from the counties of Aweil North (45 cases, including 10 deaths) and Aweil West (6 cases). No health care workers had been reported among the cases. The majority (74.5%) of the suspected cases are below 20 years of age. The last recorded death dates back to 28 February.