South Sudan Media Centre

WHO Global School on Refugee Health 2024 - Advancing Universal Health Coverage for Refugees

South Sudan is home to a large number of refugees, including returnees and asylum seekers. 

There are over 495,000 people across 122,000 households in 23 locations. 

Prioritizing primary healthcare (PHC) for these individuals is essential for their well-being and integration into new communities. 

Many face significant health challenges due to migration and barriers such as language and access to services. 

This video delves into how the government of South Sudan, along with partners, is actively enhancing healthcare services in refugee settlement areas to improve the lives of those in need.


Improving public health laboratory services in South Sudan’s Jonglei State

A critical aspect of preparedness involves maintaining a well-functioning laboratory system. 

The laboratory system in South Sudan is currently challenged by issues such as insufficient training and infrastructure, which in turn impact the provision of healthcare services. 

Through financial support from the World Bank, the World Health Organization supports the Ministry of Health by training laboratory technicians in the proper collection, testing, handling, packaging, and shipment of samples to designated laboratories


Soudan du Sud : Garantir des services de santé primaires aux personnes déplacées

Près de 800 000 personnes ont franchi la frontière avec le Soudan Du Sud, fuyant le conflit en cours au le Soudan. 

60 % entrent par la ville de Renk, où l'OMS est sur le terrain avec les autorités sanitaires et ses partenaires pour répondre aux besoins immenses et complexes en matière de santé, d'aide humanitaire et de protection.


South Sudan: Ensuring primary health services for displaced people

Almost 800 000 people have crossed the border into South Sudan, fleeing the ongoing conflict in Sudan. 

Sixty per cent enter through Renk town, where WHO is working on the ground with health authorities & partners to attend to vast and complex health, humanitarian and protection needs.


WHO supports health response for refugees and returnees in South Sudan

Almost 800 000 people have to date fled to #SouthSudan to seek refuge from the ongoing armed conflict in #Sudan crisis. 

Devastated by violence, they face dire living conditions, deprived of adequate food, water, shelter, health & other basic services. 

@WHO is working on the ground, supporting health authorities & partners to provide emergency health services.


L’OMS appuie la réponse sanitaire à la crise des réfugiés et retournés au Soudan du Sud

Près de 800 000 personnes fuyant le conflit armé en cours au #Soudan a trouvé refuge au #SoudanDuSud. 

Ces personnes sont confrontées à des conditions de vie précaires, privées d'une alimentation adéquate, d'eau, d'abri, et d'autres services de base. 

L'OMS et ses partenaires appuient les autorités sud-soudanaises à fournir des services de santé d'urgence.


Early detection to reduce mortality from malnutrition in Eastern Chad

Child malnutrition is a major health challenge in eastern Chad, where hundreds of thousands of people have fled armed conflict in Sudan.

From April 2023 to 9 June 2024, 189 children died from malnutrition, accounting for 56% of all deaths among refugees.

Outpatient screening is crucial in the early detection of malnutrition, enabling timely treatment and preventing relapse in children discharged from outpatient nutritional unit.


Détecter tôt les cas pour réduire la mortalité due à la malnutrition à l'Est du Tchad

La malnutrition des enfants fait partie des grands défis sanitaires à l’Est du Tchad, qui accueille des centaines de milliers de personnes fuyant le conflit armé au Soudan.

D'avril 2023 au 9 juin 2024, 189 enfants sont décédés à cause de la malnutrition. Ce qui représente 56 % de tous les décès enregistrés au sein de la population réfugiée.

Le dépistage en ambulatoire permet de détecter tôt les cas de malnutrition afin de mettre en route le traitement approprié et d’éviter une rechute aux enfants déchargés de l’Unité nutritionnelle thérapeutique.
