Overview (Cervical cancer)

Submetido por elombatd@who.int a

Cervical cancer, which is caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), presents a significant public health threat to women on the African continent – all but one of the top 20 countries worldwide with the highest burden of cervical cancer in 2018 were in Africa.

Cervical cancer progresses slowly from the precancer stage to invasive cancer and it is entirely curable if diagnosed and treated early. The tragedy is that while this type of cancer is one of the most preventable, poor access to prevention, screening and treatment contributes to 90% of deaths.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that this cancer is also one of the most common in women living with HIV, with patterns of cervical cancer and HIV typifying the experience of young women in Africa who face multiple barriers to good health.

Everyone who is sexually active will become infected with HPV at some point in their lives. While most strains are harmless and will not harm people with a healthy immune system, two types – 16 and 18 – cause 70% of cervical cancers and precancerous cervical lesions.

There are cost effective screening tests that are available to detect precancer lesions as well as effective, safe and simple treatment for precancer, thus preventing the development of cancer in these women.