African Vaccination Week (Immunization)

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AVWAfrican Vaccination Week (AVW) is an annual event celebrated during the last week of April, with the aim of strengthening immunization programmes in the African Region by increasing awareness of the importance of every person’s need and right to be protected from vaccine-preventable diseases. The campaign, which is held in synchronization with the annual World Immunization Week, brings together all countries across the region to raise awareness of the benefits of vaccination. AVW’s overarching slogan is “Vaccinated communities, Healthy communities”. Each year, a theme is chosen to reflect regional public health priorities.

Since its launch in April 2011, AVW has sought to keep immunization high on national and regional agendas and to ignite greater collective action on immunization across the continent, underscoring the role that everyone has to play in this effort. Through leveraging advocacy and partnerships, the campaign aims to build momentum for increased access to life-saving vaccines. During AVW, WHO works closely with national governments and other stakeholders in the region to conduct large-scale vaccination campaigns, small-scale vaccination activities, information outreach and health promotion through immunization and other child survival interventions.