National Voluntary Counselling and Testing Day commemorated on 30th June in Zambia under the theme “HIV testing: Key to reaching 90-90-90 target”

National Voluntary Counselling and Testing Day commemorated on 30th June in Zambia under the theme “HIV testing: Key to reaching 90-90-90 target”

Lusaka, 12 July 2016 – The National HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing Day is commemorated each year in Zambia on 30 June since 2006. The VCT Day provides a platform for the whole nation, provinces and districts with the opportunity to create awareness about HIV and to increase access to information and HIV testing services. 

VCT is an important entry point to HIV prevention, care, treatment and support. When people know their status they will be able to make informed choices on how they can either avoid HIV infection if negative, or live positively if they are positive. This year, the commemoration was held in Mumbwa district under the theme “HIV testing: Key to reaching 90-90-90 target”.  “By 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status. By 2020, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy. By 2020, 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression.”  The VCT day was preceded by a week long campaign of activities in the community. It was also launched on national television through a ministerial broadcast. Key messages encouraging the population to get tested for HIV were also broadcast. 

Mumbwa district conducted a week long “Door to Door” campaign on HIV Voluntary Counselling and testing. The Psychosocial counsellors were deployed in the various catchment areas to conduct the activity. Family Health International (FHI), Development Aid to People (DAPP), Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Zambia (CIDRZ), Concern, World Vision, ZPCTII, Child Fund, partnered with the District Medical Office to support activities in various catchment areas. The district was given a target of 10,000 tests in the community and this target was exceeded. The positivity rate was 5% for those tested. All positive cases were referred to health centers to access health services. All health centres in the district received testing kits for the campaign. The radio station “Blue Sky” was engaged to disseminate the information to the general public about the National Voluntary counselling testing campaign.

On 30th June the commemorative event was preceded by a march past by different organisations and stakeholders. The Board Chairperson for the National AIDS Council, Dr. George Tembo read a statement on behalf of the Minister of Health. In his statement, the Minister stated that although Zambia had made significant progress in fighting the AIDs epidemic, it was one of the countries carrying the highest burden of the disease with a total of 1.2 million people living with HIV. The minister emphasized the importance of the HIV test as a gateway to HIV services and key to reaching the 90/90/90 global targets. He said that the HIV testing rates in Zambia were low as only 50% of the people knew their HIV status. He reiterated the government’s commitment to scaling up high impact interventions particularly HIV testing, Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV, behaviour change communication, promoting safer sex practices, condom distribution, and Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision.

Dr. Lastone Chitembo, the National Professional Office for HIV and AIDS at the WHO Country Office read a speech to mark the VCT day on behalf of the UN in Zambia. In his statement, Dr. Chitembo stated that it was important to devote efforts to removing barriers to HIV testing by marginalized populations and to link then to prevention and treatment services as a way of ensuring that their human rights were considered. He called upon stakeholders to work together with communities to reduce stigma in the quest of making it zero by 2020 and moving towards creating an AIDS free generation in Zambia. Dr Chitembo also said that although there were gaps in the AIDS response in Zambia, it was important to celebrates the successes scored notably that: between 2009 and 2013 the rate of new infections dropped by 41% and the country recorded a 37% drop in new infections among children, and 700,000 people have been put on life saving anti-retroviral treatment while 2 million are counselled and tested annually.    

The event was characterized by speeches, song and dance, drama, and testimonies. In attendance were representatives from different government departments, partner organisations, schools, representatives of the Seniour Chief Shakumbila and Chieftainess Kabulwebulwe of Nalusenga. HIV testing services were made available at the event by different partners who also distributed IEC materials and exhibited the services provided by their organisations. 


For more information contact:
Nora Mweemba, Health Information and Promotion Officer, E-mail: mweemban [at] (mweemban[at]who[dot]int) GPN: 37609, Tel No:00-260-211-255 398  / 255 336 / 255 322, , Fax: 00-260-211-252863

Dr. Lastone Chitembo, HIV/AIDS Officer, E-mail: chitembol [at] (chitembol[at]who[dot]int), GPN: 37669, Tel No:00-260-211-255 398  / 255 336 / 255 322, Fax: 00-260-211-252863



01 The marchers displaying their banners showing the national VCT Day 2016 campaign theme in Mumbwa district

02 Dr. Lastone Chitembo (centre) HIV AIDS Officer at the WHO Country Office reading the UN Zambia statement to mark the VCT Day in Mumbwa district

03 Members of the public receiving information and HIV testing services at booths provided by different partners in Mumbwa district

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