World Health Day-Nigeria drums up media support towards speedy prevention and control of diabetes.

World Health Day-Nigeria drums up media support towards speedy prevention and control of diabetes.

Abuja, 07 April 2016 - Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Mr. Babachir David Lawal 2016 has set in motion, the machinery for extensive mass media campaign during a Press conference to create awareness on the rising cases of the diabetes in line with 2016 World Health Day (WHD) focus “to beat diabetes” on 07 April, 2016.

This is the first time a serving SGF is playing host to the WHD which underscores the importance and special commitment that the government attaches to the event.

Answering questions from journalists, the Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Adewole pointed that the FMOH’s approach to stemming the tide of diabetes is multi-dimensional and multi-sectoral which includes: adoption of the global monitoring framework for non-communicable diseases; development of a National Diabetes Plan; sustainable financing for management of diabetes as well as increased monitoring and surveillance for the disease.

While the Nigerian government is already taking initiatives to ‘beat diabetes’, the WHO Country Representative (WR), Dr Rui Gama Vaz warned that the number of people living with diabetes in the African region has increased from four (4) million in 1980 to 25 million adults in 2014.

According to Dr Vaz the sharp rise is a result of rapid, uncontrolled urbanization, globalization and major changes in lifestyle with the resultant increase in the prevalence of diabetes risk factors.

Fortunately, a large proportion of diabetes cases are preventable and treatable he added. Maintaining normal body weight, engaging in regular physical activity, and eating a healthy diet can reduce the risk of diabetes.

“Diabetes can be controlled and managed to prevent complications. Increasing access to diagnosis, self-management education and affordable treatment are vital components of the response” the WR stated.

As part of the 2016 WHD in Abuja, the FMOH provided, free and voluntary screening for diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cervical cancer for participants at the event.

At the end of the commemoration, the Minister of Health asked the audience “have you checked your blood sugar lately?” and further called on Nigerian to  check their blood sugar and blood pressure regularly.


Technical contact:

Dr Mary Stephen: +234 816 289 9789; Email: stephenm [at] (stephenm[at]who[dot]int)
•    Media contact:

Ms  Charity Warigon; Tel: +234 810 221 0093; Email: warigonc [at] (warigonc[at]who[dot]int)


01. Minister of Health (right) Permanent Secretary, FMOH (middle) and WR (left0 at the 2016 WHD event

02. Minister of Health answering questions from journalists

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