Renowned public health experts and leaders endorse a vision for an Africa Health Transformation Programme to enhance health in the African Region

Renowned public health experts and leaders endorse a vision for an Africa Health Transformation Programme to enhance health in the African Region

31a9001c388dd6f9e72c458757b89877_XL.jpgAn Independent Advisory Group (IAG), comprising renowned public health experts and leaders, has endorsed the Africa Health Transformation Programme 2015–2020: a vision for universal health coverage, proposed by Dr Moeti, the World Health Organization Regional Director for Africa.

At its inaugural meeting held in Johannesburg from 4-5 May 2015, the IAG congratulated the Regional Director for convening the IAG and for her vision, calling it a step in the right direction and a testimony to her personal commitment to change the work of WHO in the African Region.

In her opening remarks, Dr Moeti observed that addressing the health challenges in the African Region required rethinking of the way the WHO Secretariat approaches the planning and implementation of health programmes and services in support to Member States.  It is expected that the implementation of the Transformation Programme will address the unacceptable inequities and injustices in the Region’s health development.

“We are taking a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform the future for Africa, to strengthen health and economic security globally, and to deliver on the goals for a new era of sustainable development”, said Dr Moeti.

The WHO Regional Office for Africa will lead the transformation in health and wellbeing based on five interrelated and overlapping priorities which are: Improving Health Security; strengthening National Health Systems; sustaining Focus on Health-related SDGs; addressing the Social Determinants of Health; and transforming AFRO into a Responsive and Results-driven Organization.

The Regional Director told the participants that the strategy is bold and ambitious, but it can be delivered. “We will deliver on our promise through our shared values of equity, dignity, transparency, integrity, professionalism and openness”, she added.

It was highlighted that the growing recognition of health as critical to the Sustainable Development Goals, the dividends of unprecedented economic growth, political stability,  and the birth of a new middle class, among others could be translated into tangible human development benefits that can enable Africa to contribute to global health and economic security worldwide.

The IAG was set up by Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, to provide strategic and policy advice aimed at strengthening the work of WHO in the African Region to make better health a reality for people.


For more information, please contact: 

Mr Collins Boakye-Agyemang; Tel: + 472 413 9420; Email: boakyeagyemangc [at] (boakyeagyemangc[at]who[dot]int)
Dr Cory Couillard; Tel: + 472 413 9995; Email: couillardc [at] (couillardc[at]who[dot]int)