More publications: Neglected Tropical Diseases Working Group Meeting on the establishment of a new NTD entity(En) Working Group Meeting on the establishment of a new NTD entity(Fr) Regional Programme Review Group | 2nd Meeting - Preventive chemotherapy(En) Regional Programme Review Group | 2nd Meeting - Preventive chemotherapy(Fr) Regional Programme Review Group | 2nd Meeting - Preventive chemotherapy(Por) Bangkok Declaration: Towards a leprosy-free world Working to overcome the global impact of neglected tropical diseases: First WHO report on neglected tropical diseases Progress towards the reduction of the burden of leprosy: leprosy is curable Regional Strategy on Neglected Tropical Diseases in the WHO African Region 2014–2020 Guide for Preparing a Master Plan for National Neglected Tropical Diseases Programmes in the African Region (En) Guide for Preparing a Master Plan for National Neglected Tropical Diseases Programmes in the African Region(Fr) Workshop on Master Plans for National Neglected Tropical Diseases Programme in the African Region Harare, Zimbabwe, 19 - 23 March 2012