

Situation Report: Yellow fever outbreak in Angola, 30 May 2016

A progress review mission of the yellow fever response is being planned by WHO and partners, following the Emergency Committee recommendations.

The Ministry of Health prepared a circular letter regulating the control of Yellow Fever vaccination at entry and exit from the country and for some domestic travels

Since 16 May 2016, 16 districts in 5 provinces are implementing mass vaccination campaigns. Some provinces are closing the campaign (Huambo,

Huila, Uige), while Benguela and Kuanza Sul are considering to extend the campaign duration period.

New cases of local transmission were documented in Humpata and Cuango districts. The districts of Cacuso, Malange and Chitato are under investigation.

On 22 May a cluster of cases was reported from Lunda Norte province with back dated cases and deaths to March, 2016. 4 cases in Cafunfu (Cuango district) were documented as local transmission. A reactive vaccination and vector control activities are taking place in Cafunfu.