South Africa News

Costing health care reforms to move towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC): Conside...

To contribute to the debate about costing Universal Health Coverage (UHC), the WHO Country Office in collaboration with WHO HQ developed the attached brief to help think through the implications.  “How much will the reform cost?” is a common and sensible-sounding question in planning any major health reform. Indeed, it is a question that national finance authorities have to ask. Unfortunately, the answer is complicated – although the expectation is that it is simple and straightforward.

The World Health Organization celebrates Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day, 12 Dec...

Pretoria – In support of the second ever UHC on 12 December 2015, the WHO joins nearly 600 partners in celebrating progress in over 100 countries in achieving universal health coverage.

In South Africa, WHO celebrates both UHC Day and the launch of the National Health Insurance white paper launched today, which provides the roadmap for realizing universal health coverage in South Africa. 

The Third Annual Meeting of Clim-Health Africa, Johannesburg 2015

Clim-Health Africa, an international network of institutions working on climate change and health for Africa, was established in 2013. The network continues to serve as a virtual hub where expertise can be shared to develop the capacity of African communities, institutions, practitioners and negotiators to understand and integrate climate change and health related challenges into policy, socio-economics, planning and programming. The network’s first annual meeting was held in Johannesburg in 2013.

WHO Representative Delivers United Nations Statement of Support for National Health ...

Pretoria, 15 March 2016 - During the annual ODA Coordinating Forum chaired by the Honorable Minister and attended by a dozen ambassadors, the WHO Representative in her capacity as Acting UN Resident Coordinator, delivered the UN statement of support.  In the statement, the UN recognized National Health Insurance as the embodiment of South Africa’s international commitments that recognize health as a right for all individuals. 

WHO participates in adjudication of South Africa’s National Road Safety Debates and ...

South Africa’s Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC), as part of the country’s October Transport Month, hosted the National Schools Road Safety Debate and Participatory Education Techniques (PETs) competitions finals from 03-07 October 2016. The competing participants were learners in grades 10 and 11 provincial finalists who are themselves at-risk on roads as pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, novice drivers, and passengers.

WHO sponsored 2016 CNN Best African Health and Medical Journalist Award Goes to...

The WHO 2016 sponsored CNN Multichoice Best African Health and Medical Journalism award has been won by Ms Veronica Narkwor-Kwabla, of Tv3 Network, Ghana, for her documentary Ebola Orphans.   According to the judging panel, her documentary filed from Liberia and Sierra Leone shone a light on some of the ostracized children who are seeking new families. The question she examined was how the two countries will recover from the crisis that crippled health care systems, families and businesses.

WHO Joins launch of South Africa’s Health Standards Compliance Complaints Management...

The World Health Organization yesterday joined South Africa’s Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC) in launching the country's Complaints Management Call Centre which will receive and register public complaints relating to non-compliance with prescribed norms and standards for health establishments. 

In recent years there has been increasing attention in South Africa on improving quality of health service and care.  The Call Centre will provide the public a platform to lodge complaints about negative experiences which may include:

·        Attitudes of staff,

WHO supports proposed sugar-sweetened beverages tax in South Africa

The World Health Organization supports the consideration of Government of South Africa of introduction of a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) to help reduce excessive sugar intake.  This is one of interventions proposed in the Strategy for the prevention and control of obesity in South Africa 2015-2020. WHO has supported introduction of such taxes since it was proposed by the National Treasury in August 2016.

WHO backs South African government’s commitment to implementing sugary drinks tax to...

23 February, 2017: The World Health Organization strongly supports yesterday’s announcement by the Government of South Africa to implement a tax on sugary beverages as part of the country’s campaign to promote the health of its citizens and combat the increasing challenges of diabetes and obesity.

The tax on sugary drinks was among several important health measures announced as part of the government’s 2017/18 budget.