South Africa News

Health Market Inquiry (HMI) Report Released

The Health Market inquiry (HMI) established by competition commission to investigate South Africa’s private healthcare market released its provisional report on 5th July 2018 in the presence of the Minister of Health, media and stakeholders from healthcare sector. The HMI was chaired by Judge Sandile Ngcobo, a retired Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court. The Commission after 4 years of detailed investigation and multiple stakeholder consultations concluded that: Private health market is characterised by high and rising costs of healthcare and medical scheme cover; disempowered and uninformed consumers; and ineffective regulation and failures of accountability at many levels. The 808 page provisional report makes several interesting findings and lists out some recommendations including (but not limited to): Establishment of a supply side regulator to set the rules of the game and scrutinize the private sector: Measurement and Public reporting of health outcomes by the private providers to improve competition and inform patients about quality of care; Replacement of Certificates of Need with hospital licences for equitable spread of facilities across the country.

WHO supports South Africa’s draft bill to control Tobacco Products and Electronic De...

The Control of Tobacco Products and Electronic Delivery Systems Bill, approved by the Cabinet of the Republic of South Africa (the Bill) and published for public comment until Thursday 9 August 2018, is a highly comprehensive piece of tobacco control legislation. It is consistent with South Africa’s obligations under the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) and brings South Africa back to the forefront of international tobacco control best practice. The Bill updates existing tobacco control laws to keep pace with global tobacco control recommendations and allows the effective regulation of new tobacco products, in particular electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems (ENDS/ENNDS) and heated tobacco products (HTPs). These and other novel and emerging tobacco products are not adequately covered under South Africa’s current tobacco control legislation which was drafted to regulate cigarettes and other traditional tobacco products.

WHO leads and conducts “Health in All Policies” workshop in Gauteng Province Researc...

As part of ongoing initiatives and programmes to provide integrated people centred health services, South Africa’s Gauteng Department of Health held an inaugural provincial Summit titled Research and Innovation Summit at Birchwood, Johannesburg. Themed “Evidence and innovation for long and healthy lives: confronting risks and unlocking the potentials”, the summit: 1. Created a learning opportunity that brought together the WHO, academia, administrators, students, community representatives, oversight bodies, lawmakers, health service providers, exhibitors and leaders from across the province and international participants. 2. Promoted and strengthened the state of translational research and health system strengthening as well as patient safety in the Province. 3. Encouraged researchers, practitioners and managers to use research outcomes for evidence based planning and sharing strategies and innovations to improve health systems performance.

Listeriosis outbreak in South Africa

South Africa’s Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, announced yesterday that the country has 727 laboratory-confirmed cases that occurred between January 2017 and 5 January 2018. He made this announcement at a national media conference accompanied by Prof Lucille Blumberg, Specialist Microbiologist, and Dr Juno Thomas, Head of the Centre for Enteric Diseases, both of the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD); Dr Rufaro Chatora, Country Representative from the World Health Organization; Mr Mooketsa Ramasodi, Acting Director General for the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF); and Ms Tiny Rennie, Acting Director-General of the Department of Health.

System-wide assessment of efficiencies across HIV, TB and MNCH Programmes in KwaZulu...

Many health systems rely on health programmes to target interventions for specific diseases or populations. These programs can be effective while operating largely autonomously from one another in seeking to optimize the achievement of one or more specific objectives. This organizational approach, however, can also constrain the evolution of the health system in its ability to adapt to changing morbidity patterns, technological advances, among other issues. Many countries are now moving away from this vertical organizational approach towards more coordinated and integrated systems.

Public Health Association of South Africa urged to promote country's National Health...

The WHO Country Representative in South Africa, Dr Rufaro Chatora, called on the Public Health Association of South Africa (PHASA) to voice its support of and promote the Country’s proposed National Health Insurance (NHI). Dr Chatora was addressing the opening plenary of the PHASA’s 13th Annual Conference that took place in Johannesburg, South Africa. “I scan media every day and I hear Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, lone voice promoting NHI. However, there is almost nothing from PHASA”.

South Africa conducts its first National TB Prevalence Survey 2017-2018

For several years South Africa’s National Department of Health (NDoH), has been planning to conduct its first National TB Prevalence Survey. The Survey aims to determine the true burden of TB disease through bacteriological assessment among the population aged 15 years and older. It will be implemented in 110 randomly selected clusters across the country and will consist of a sample size of 55 000 subjects. In partnership with the NDOH, the survey is being implemented by the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) over a period of 24 months. The WHO country office (WCO), in collaboration with WHO Headquarters (WHO HQ) has played a key role in the preparatory stages and implementation of the survey. This includes protocol and SOP development, resource mobilization, training and mentorship, as well as the coordination of partners.