South Africa News

Empowering Health Champions: WHO's Role in Advancing Disease Surveillance in South A...

In a significant stride towards strengthening public health capacities, the World Health Organization (WHO) played a pivotal role in a transformative initiative that underscores its commitment to global health security. The Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) Training of Trainers program recently held in Cape Town, South Africa stands as a testament to WHO's dedication to enhancing disease surveillance capabilities and bolstering national health emergency preparedness.

WHO Representative Dr. Owen Kaluwa Applauds Frontline Heroes at Cholera Preparedness...

Richards Bay, South Africa, 03 August 2023 – Dr. Owen Kaluwa, the WHO Representative in South Africa, made a special appearance at the Cholera preparedness and readiness training in Richards Bay, where he took a moment to acknowledge the efforts of the participants in containing the recent Cholera outbreak. The event coincided with his busy schedule attending the 13th BRICS Ministers of Health Meeting, which focused on "Bridging Sustainable Health for Universal Health Coverage."

Working Together Towards Malaria Elimination

Close to 100 participants representing countries and areas who are part of WHO’s Elimination-2025 initiative, WHO staff from the Headquarters, Regional Officers, and Country Offices, members of the WHO’s Technical Advisory Group on Malaria Elimination and Certification, as well as observers came together in Cape Town, South Africa during the 4th Annual Global Forum of Malaria-Eliminating Countries.

South Africa bolsters its COVID-19 response

South Africa has grappled with the continent’s largest share of COVID-19 infections since the onset of the pandemic. Throughout the crisis, the country ramped up pandemic control measures to effectively curb cases and deaths and protect people’s health. In support of South Africa’s efforts, WHO deployed a 35-member expert team to help bolster the response at provincial and district levels.