Democratic Republic of Congo News

En RDC, les populations déplacées internes du Tanganyika bénéficient de la vaccinati...

Dans la province du Tanganyika, dans le sud-est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), les conflits intercommunautaires et les attaques de groupes armés ont forcé plus de 360 850 personnes, soit environ 10 % de la population, à fuir leurs habitations. Ces personnes déplacées internes sont particulièrement exposées aux maladies à potentiel épidémique, dont la COVID-19.

Monitoring antimicrobial resistance trends to save lives

Nathalie* looked upon her convalescent baby, hope slowly wiping away distress. Her 12-month-old boy had been admitted to St Luc Hospital in Kisantu, a town in the south of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s capital Kinshasa, when initial treatment proved ineffective.

Democratic Republic of the Congo Ebola outbreak declared over, Uganda boosts respons...

Brazzaville/Kampala/Kinshasa – The Democratic Republic of the Congo today declared the end of an Ebola outbreak that re-emerged six weeks ago in the country’s North Kivu Province. The announcement came as neighbouring Uganda races to curb an unrelated outbreak declared last week.

With only one case confirmed, the just-ended outbreak was one of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s least catastrophic. A previous outbreak – the country’s 14th in which there were four confirmed cases and five deaths – was declared over on 4 July this year.

Boosting medical oxygen supplies in the Democratic Republic of Congo

In her small office at University Clinics of Kinshasa, nurse Agnès Bisilwala has her eyes trained on a row of large gas cylinders. “In the past, three or four days could go by without enough medical oxygen for our COVID-19 patients in intensive care,” she says. “Many of them were unable to maintain their oxygenation and succumbed to the virus.”

Tangomo Tansia, Health Worker

Tangomo Tansia is a hero. The volunteer health worker delivers precious polio vaccines via canoe to communities in locations far from his home in Kikwit, in southwestern Democratic Republic of the Congo.