Democratic Republic of Congo News

WHO declares an end to the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Brazzaville/Kinshasa, 2 July 2017 – Today, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the end of the most recent outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The announcement comes 42 days (two 21-day incubation cycles of the virus) after the last confirmed Ebola patient in the affected Bas-Uélé province tested negative for the disease for the second time. Enhanced surveillance in the country will continue, as well as strengthening of preparedness and readiness for Ebola outbreaks.

Dr Sambo pleads: “Let’s Join Forces to Stop TB in our Lifetime”

World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Africa, Dr Luis Sambo, has re-iterated his appeal to Member States to work with all stakeholders in order to ensure maximum coverage of the region with appropriate strategies to prevent and control tuberculosis (TB).

"TB is curable and medicines are available with support of WHO and partners. It is therefore unacceptable that anyone should still be dying of TB today", Dr Sambo said in his message released in Brazzaville on the occasion of World TB to be observed on 24 March.

New technology allows for rapid diagnosis of Ebola in Democratic Republic of the Con...

Laboratory testing of samples is essential to rapidly assess the scope and spread of any Ebola outbreak. Since the major outbreak in West Africa in 2014, an increasing number of diagnostic tools have become available to perform rapid initial testing of samples. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is using these new tools, as well as classic ones, to respond to an ongoing outbreak of the virus in a very remote area of the north east of the country.

National Immunization Days: The DRC is committed to eradicate polio throughout the c...

Nearly 23 million people will be vaccinated against polio in the DR Congo

Kinshasa (April 28, 2011). By organizing the National Immunization Days (NIDs) which occurs at the same time with the African Immunization Week (VAS), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) took another opportunity to eradicate polio throughout its territory, thanks to a synchronized campaign with its two neighboring countries: Angola and Congo.

The Regional African Vaccination Week 2013 has commenced successfully in the DRC

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Ministry of Public Health in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and partners officially launched the African Vaccination Week (AVW) on Monday 22 April 2012 under the theme: “Save lives. Prevent disabilities. Vaccinate”.

The launching programme was held in ‘Hotel le Fleuve’ in Kinshasa. The press was strongly represented; more than 15 TV Channels, Radio and written press attended the launch as well as various national deputies and WR.

The country that knows how to beat Ebola

In DRC there was long experience with Ebola – this was the seventh outbreak of the disease here. The country had the knowledge and the people needed to stop an outbreak – plus strong technical assistance and support from WHO.

WHO’s response to cholera epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo

DRC has, from early 2016 to September, registered a cumulative total of 18.252 suspected cholera cases, of which 516 deaths (fatality rate of 2.8%) throughout the country, particularly in the Equateur, Kinshasa, Upper-Lomami, Upper-Katanga, Maï-Ndombe, Mongala, North-Kivu, Tshopo and South-Kivu Provinces. WHO and its partners are supporting the efforts of the Ministry of Health (MOH) to quickly bring the epidemic under control.